
Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays Episode 30

June 27, 2023

Episode 30

Episode 30 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays again features Patti Murphy, Executive Director of the Youth Services Bureau Charitable Foundation. Patti has a way of engaging those around her that is both collaborative and inclusive.

I talk to Patti about gender diversity and succession planning as it relates to equity. We also chat about what fundraising might look like in the future.

All of the business expectations are on the charitable sector as well. So you spoke of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. That whole DEI piece cannot just be a policy that each of us checks off every year when we review our policies. That has to be a practise. It can’t be off the side of someone’s desk. It has to be more than that if it’s authentic. And if it’s not authentic, your employees will know.

Patti Murphy

Just click on the picture of Patti below to hear the podcast.

