
Eat That Frog! (not literally)

I would never advocate for eating a frog (because it’s not kosher), but the notion of tackling a difficult challenge intrigues me. I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of productivity and time management. Over the years, I’ve tried countless strategies and techniques to maximize my efficiency and get more done in less time. However, one principle has consistently stood out as a game-changer: tackling your most challenging or least desirable task first thing in the morning (and for me, first thing is usually at 4.45 am).

The Importance of Tackling Tough Tasks in the Morning

Time is our most precious resource (once spent, we can never get it back), and how we choose to allocate it can have a profound impact on our productivity and overall success. By starting your day with your toughest task, you’re setting the tone for the rest of the day and ensuring that you make progress on your most important priorities.

This approach not only helps you tackle the most daunting items on your to-do list but also builds momentum and confidence that can carry you through the rest of your day. When you conquer a challenging task early on, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment and empowerment that can fuel your productivity and drive throughout the day.

The Science Behind a Frog Diet (Starting with Challenging Tasks)

Studies have shown that our mental energy and willpower are highest in the morning. Unfortunately, they tend to decline as the day progresses. This phenomenon, known as “decision fatigue,” can make it increasingly difficult to tackle challenging tasks later in the day.

By starting your day with your most difficult task, you’re leveraging your peak cognitive performance and self-control to ensure that it gets done. This not only increases the likelihood of successful completion but also frees up your mental resources for the rest of the day, allowing you to tackle other tasks with greater focus and efficiency.

How Tackling Tough Tasks Builds Momentum for the Day

Crossing off a challenging task from your to-do list early in the morning can have a huge impact on your mindset and momentum for the rest of the day. When you start your day by accomplishing something difficult, you’re sending a powerful message to your brain that you’re capable of overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals.

This sense of accomplishment can create a positive feedback loop. This fuels your motivation and inspiring you to tackle the rest of your day with renewed energy and focus. As you continue to cross off items from your to-do list, you’ll experience a growing sense of momentum and confidence. This can propel you towards even greater productivity and success.

Case Studies of Successful Individuals Who “Ate the Frog”

Many successful individual embrace the strategy of tackling your toughest task first thing in the morning. Let’s take a look at a few case studies:

Fundraising: The Story of Jane

Jane is a seasoned fundraiser who has consistently exceeded her annual targets for the past five years. She attributes much of her success to her unwavering commitment to making her most challenging donor calls first thing in the morning. “I know it’s tempting to start the day with easier tasks, but I’ve found that tackling those tough solicitations early on sets the tone for the rest of my day,” Jane explains. “I’m more focused, confident, and energized, which helps me approach the rest of my to-do list with greater efficiency and determination.”

Administration: The Journey of Alex

Alex is a highly organized and efficient administrative professional who manages a team of five. One of the keys to his success is his habit of starting each day by tackling his most daunting administrative tasks. “Whether it’s drafting a complex report, or handling a sensitive personnel issue, I make sure to get it done first thing in the morning,” Alex says. “This ensures that these critical tasks are completed. It also gives me a sense of accomplishment that carries me through the rest of the day.”

Challenging Donors: The Approach of Sarah

Sarah is a seasoned development professional who has a reputation for successfully navigating even the most challenging donor relationships. Her secret? She always starts her day by reaching out to her most difficult donors. “I know it can be tempting to avoid those tough conversations. I’ve found that addressing them head-on in the morning sets the stage for a more productive day,” Sarah explains. “I’m now able to approach the rest of my donor outreach with greater confidence and clarity.”

Conclusion and Final Thoughts on Eating the Frog

Tackling your toughest task first thing in the morning is a powerful tool for achieving greater success in your life. You can overcome procrastination, build momentum, and approach the rest of your day with renewed energy and focus.

I encourage you to embrace this approach and see the impact it can have on your productivity and overall success. The key to mastering productivity is not about doing more, but about doing the right things at the right time. Eat that frog. Start your day with your most challenging task. Now you’re setting yourself up for a truly productive and fulfilling day ahead.

I still won’t advocate for actually eating a frog — there are MUCH better things to try to stomach!

Until next week.

