
Top 5 Posts of 2023 (so far)

June 23, 2022

The past six months have seen some degree of normality return to fundraising, specifically as it pertains to events. The immediate threat of COVID has subsided and we are back to having gatherings. I have yet to hear of an event that was on hiatus come back and not succeed.

As usual, I will take some downtime over the summer, so if you’re missing my weekly blog, I encourage you to look at the five top articles that have received the most feedback in 2023 (so far):

  1. Now Is the Time to Check In
  2. Uncharitable — The Movie
  3. Stop Doing These Things
  4. One Cause of Fundraising Anxiety
  5. Plan for it to Take More Time

The Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays podcast will continue to be released on Tuesdays.

Enjoy the summer!

