
Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays Episode 32

July 17, 2023

Episode 32

Episode 32 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays is the last in the series featuring Robert Greenberg, a local philanthropist, volunteer and an all-around great guy. Robert chaired a campaign I worked on some twenty years ago and we have remained close ever since.

I talk to Robert about tzedakah, as well as his personal legacy and what makes a good canvasser. We end it off with some entertainment suggestions.

Robert is an avid fisherman and has launched American Baitworks, an innovative American-based fishing tackle company that provides custom manufacturing of fishing lures. I learned so very much from Robert and think of him as a personal mentor.

You get so caught up in what you’re doing, sometimes you have to take a step back. Just realize that your perception of what people’s abilities to give or whatever might not be the truth.

Robert Greenberg

Just click on the picture of Robert below to hear the podcast.

