
Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays: Episode 78

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January 14, 2025

Episode 78

Episode 78 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays features Louis Diez, a fundraising expert advising nonprofits in annual fund development, digital fundraising, and engagement strategies. He is also the founder of the Donor Participation Project and the Annual Fund Toolkit.

In today’s episode, we discuss philanthropy while growing up, as well as his undertaking, the Donor Participation Project. Louis is a thoughtful soul all while maintaining a very analytical observation of fundraising today.

The social norms around philanthropy have eroded…You might have said “changed”, in a good way. So, what this means is that we have to pay more attention, in our little community of people that we have, and spend more time engaging people. Doing things that you might not consider philanthropy, but that create philanthropy.
Louis Diez

Just click on the picture of Louis below to hear our conversation.

headshot of host and guest from Episode 78

