Money is a tool, a means to an end.
Today’s post may seem like heresy to some. The goal of fundraising is not to raise money in and of itself. The goal of fundraising is...
Today’s post may seem like heresy to some. The goal of fundraising is not to raise money in and of itself. The goal of fundraising is...
You Will ALWAYS Find One How many times have we, as fundraisers, heard “Organization ABC decided to blah-blah-blah. I won’t give them any financial support anymore.”? My...
I have been in the fundraising world the majority of my life and as a professional fundraiser for over twenty-five years. There is a disconnect that...
I have heard many fundraising stories in my 25-plus years as a fundraiser. And, I have seen a lot of things —unfortunately, I cannot unsee some...
We are currently midway through the Jewish festival of Chanukkah. (If this spelling is odd to you, please know that it is almost impossible to transliterate...
The Case for Support (or Case as it is more commonly known) is the primary tool that an organization has to raise money. It should explain...
One of my first blogs was a ten-part Fundraising Mythbuster series. There, I wrote about the myth-conception that most money comes from Special Events. For that...
Last year, I touched upon the topic of The Psychology of Fundraising. I reiterated that I would likely be a much better fundraiser if I had a...
Four years ago, I wrote an article about charities hiring fundraisers for their attitude rather than their aptitude (here). I surmised that you could learn the...
Every now and then, my worlds overlap. I am a proud fundraiser, and I am also a proud Jew. I have often found solace in the...