Many moons ago I was canvassing some Board members for a capital campaign that we were running. We were on pace and tracking quite well. I then approached our most well-heeled Board members to discuss their personal commitment to the campaign. The response floored me — they said that they give of their time (by going to Board meetings, committee meetings, events, etc.)
I replied that every other member of the Board did the exact same thing, as well as chose to donate to the cause. He said his donation was time. I then (boldly) asked him if he thought we could pay our bills for the construction with time.
I’m not in the business of raising time, rather I’m in the business of raising money.
This concept sticks with me today. Yes, we expect a lot of our volunteers. But managing expectations from the outset will avoid potential pitfalls like this.
The opposite also rings true. I once was trying to set up a face-to-face meeting with a past campaign chair. He said “Jack, do you want my time or my money? I have lots of money…..”
Until next week, folks.