
Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays Episode 50

January 30, 2024

Episode 50

Episode 50 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays is the last in the series featuring Deborah Rosati, Founder and CEO of Women Get on Board. (Women Get on Board’s mission is to connect, promote and empower women to serve on corporate boards with confidence and courage.) We chat about many different things, from her favourite part of being a volunteer fundraiser to how she is addressing philanthropy with her two young adult sons.

Deborah is has a great way about phrasing things. I have often used her phrase “The power of three is where one woman in the boardroom is a token, two is a presence and three is a voice.” What a great mindset!

I just grew up with it. It wasn’t even a question of…. I was drawn to it — to be a community builder. And how can you create community?

Deborah Rosati

Just click on the picture of Deborah below to hear the podcast.

