
Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays Episode 80

January 28, 2025

Episode 80

Episode 80 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays again features Alan Harrison. For 30 years, he has led, produced, directed, promoted, raised money for, starred and failed in over 300 theatrical productions on and Off-Broadway and at prestigious (and not so prestigious) nonprofit arts organizations across the country. 

Alan shares his journey in the nonprofit arts industry and the challenges faced by arts organizations in fundraising. He emphasizes the importance of serving the community and being truly charitable in order to gain donor support. Alan also discusses the misconception that arts organizations are essential and highlights the need for a shift in focus towards community impact. He shares a success story of securing a significant donation by building a strong relationship with a donor and aligning their interests with the organization’s mission. The conversation explores various aspects of philanthropy in the arts, including the challenges of fundraising, the importance of community engagement, and the role of arts organizations in creating social impact. The discussion highlights the need for arts organizations to focus on producing impact rather than just producing art. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the needs and interests of donors. The conversation touches on the topics of elitism in the arts, the value of naming opportunities, and the role of philanthropy in building thriving communities.

Donors don’t give a damn about your fiscal year. They give what they give. And if you push them for a fiscal year-end campaign, you are just sabotaging yourself for the future.

Alan Harrison

Just click on the picture of Alan below to hear the podcast.

