Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays Episode 30
Episode 30 Episode 30 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays again features Patti Murphy, Executive Director of the Youth Services Bureau Charitable Foundation. Patti has a way...
Episode 30 Episode 30 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays again features Patti Murphy, Executive Director of the Youth Services Bureau Charitable Foundation. Patti has a way...
I was very fortunate to have taken part in an early screening of the movie Uncharitable with my local AFP chapter last week. The movie will...
Having the right board members is a one ingredient towards a recipe for success. Each time an organization recruits new board members, it is (hopefully) looking...
I have often had a debate with myself regarding board compensation. (I always win the fight.) Many for-profits pay for their board positions. The reason for...
To successfully raise funds, you must adhere to three principals. I wrote one of my very first posts about that here. I reinforced these three principals...
Many charities have an endowed component to their finances. The term endowment often confuses people and they are really unsure what it means. I repeatedly use...
Energy Vampires are those folks that literally suck the energy out from you, leaving you drained. We have all come across such people in our professional...
Today’s post may seem like heresy to some. The goal of fundraising is not to raise money in and of itself. The goal of fundraising is...
The last two-plus years have certainly been a wild ride. Up here in the Great White North (Canada), we are still on a modified lockdown, with...
I have written numerous times that fundraising is about relationships. And those relationships are usually built on trust. But are charities truly being transparent? Or, are...