
Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays Episode 26

May 30, 2023

Episode 26

Episode 26 of Tales From the Trenches Tuesdays features Patti Murphy, Executive Director of the Youth Services Bureau Charitable Foundation. Patti has a unique “backstory”, having worked in a for-profit company that engaged their employees philanthropically.

I talk to Patti about the workplace giving campaigns. We also chat about philanthropy from as a child to as a parent.

Patti has been with the Youth Services Bureau for over seven years and her passion for social justice is clear to anyone who has the pleasure of talking to her.

It was really telling stories, which I think is common to all our work. It was storytelling. It was bringing in charities for a Charity Fair in different cities and saying, “We have representation from 25 different charities. Here’s your passport. There’s TimBits. There’s coffee. Come and visit these charities and learn what they do.”

Patti Murphy

Just click on the picture of Patti below to hear the podcast.

